5 Reasons to Own a Dash Cam in Evergreen

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Evidence of what occurred.  

Car insurance providers in the UK offer customers a 10 to 15% discount if a dash cam is installed in their vehicles. A New York bill, if passed, will offer a 5% discount.  

Get out of a ticket. 

In New York a driver had their ticket waived because their video showed they were scratching their ear-not talking on their phone.  

Help Fight Insurance Fraud. 

Help stop "crash for cash" by drivers and pedestrians. Learn more at https://www.rac.co.uk/insurance/car-insurance/guides/what-is-crash-for-cash- What is Crash for Cash? 

Review your teen's driving skills and Make yourself a better driver.  

Periodically reviewing driving will help everyone note areas for improvement.  

Capture proof of vandalism or break-ins and Capture unexpected or wonderful events! Relive great road trips or photograph meteors like those caught on dash-cam in Russia.  

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